Rozšírené vyhľadávanie Rozšírené vyhľadávanie
Marciniak star_border
Relácia 1 , 03 Jún 17:00
keyboard_arrow_downkeyboard_arrow_up 778
Relácia 2 , 04 Jún 17:00
keyboard_arrow_downkeyboard_arrow_up 706
Antykwariat 12
Medals and plaques 1801-1945 92
Emergency coins 65
Poland 1901-1945 251
Coin patterns 7
Relácia 3 , 05 Jún 17:00
keyboard_arrow_downkeyboard_arrow_up 543
Relácia 4 , 06 Jún 17:00
keyboard_arrow_downkeyboard_arrow_up 596
Relácia 5 , 07 Jún 17:00
keyboard_arrow_downkeyboard_arrow_up 662
Relácia 6 , 08 Jún 10:40
keyboard_arrow_downkeyboard_arrow_up 350
Poland before 1506 52
Poland 1506-1795 148
Wieczór 10
Relácia 7 , 09 Jún 10:00
keyboard_arrow_downkeyboard_arrow_up 1 299
Numismatic Books 28
Sigismund I the Old 1506-1548 92
Sigismund II August 1545-1572 111
Interregnum 1573 3
Henry III of France 1573-1575 3
Siege of Danzig 1577 1
Stephen Bathory 1576-1586 33
Sigismund III Vasa 1587-1632 521
Ladislaus IV Vasa 1632-1648 6
John II Casimir 1648-1668 113
Michael I Korybut 1669-1673 5
John III Sobieski 1674-1696 46
Augustus II the Strong 1697-1733 28
Stanisław Leszczyński 1704-9, 1733-6 1
Augustus III of Poland 1733-1763 136
Coins of August III sons 6
Stanislaus August Poniatowski 1764-1795 65
Partitions of Poland 1772-1864 80
Lots 16
Akcesoria 5
Relácia 8 , 10 Jún 17:00
keyboard_arrow_downkeyboard_arrow_up 761
Poland before 1506 295
Coins related to Poland 466
Relácia 9 , 11 Jún 17:00
keyboard_arrow_downkeyboard_arrow_up 632
Kosciuszko Insurection 1794 26
Duchy of Warsaw 1810 3
Kingdom of Poland 1824-1866 3
Polish Marka 1916-1923 157
Poland 1919-1939 99
Polish government-in-exile 1939 1
Occupation of Poland 1939-1945 54
Poland 1944-1965 264
Literatura 25
Relácia 10 , 12 Jún 17:00
keyboard_arrow_downkeyboard_arrow_up 813
Relácia 11 , 13 Jún 17:00
keyboard_arrow_downkeyboard_arrow_up 611
Ancient coins 315
keyboard_arrow_down keyboard_arrow_up
Greece 37
Celts 5
Parthia 2
Roman Republic 11
keyboard_arrow_down keyboard_arrow_up
Roman Empire 228
Juliusz Cezar 47-44 pne 1
Augustus (Octavian) 27 B.C-A.D. 14 2
Tiberius 14-37 6
Caligula 37-41 2
Claudius 41-54 1
Nero 54-68 1
Galba 68-69 1
Vitellius 69 1
Vespasian 69-79 6
Titus 79-81 2
Domitian 81-96 4
Nerva 96-98 2
Trajan 98-117 9
Hadrian 117-138 20
Antoninus Pius 138-161 11
Faustina Senior Augusta 138-140 4
Marcus Aurelius 161-180 7
Lucius Verus 161-169 4
Faustina Junior Augusta 161-175 3
Commodus 177-192 7
Lucilla Augusta 164-182 3
Septimius Severus 193-211 2
Julia Domna 193-217 6
Julia Mamaea 222-235 1
Geta 198-209 1
Caracalla 198-217 4
Elagabalus 218-222 6
Severus Alexander 222-235 7
Gordian III 238-244 7
Philip I (the Arabs) 244-249 4
Trajan Decius 249-251 1
Herennia Etruscilla 250-251 1
Herennius Etruscus 251 1
Valerian I 253-260 1
Salonin 258-260 1
Claudius II Gothicus 268-270 1
Quintillus 270 1
Ulpia Severina 270-275 1
Tetrycus I 270-273 1
Aurelian 270-275 1
Tacitus 275-276 3
Probus 276-282 2
Carus 282-283 2
Karinus 283-285 4
Numerianus 283-284 1
Carausius 286–293 1
Diocletian 284-305 4
Constantine I 306-337 16
Licinius I 308-324 1
Licinius II 317-324 1
Kryspus 317-326 1
Konstantyn II 337-340 6
Constans 337-350 1
Constantius II 337-361 9
Vetranio 350 1
Constantius Gallus 351-354 1
Julianus II Apostata 360-363 4
Iovianus 363-364 3
Valens 364-378 1
Valentinian II 375-392 2
Flavius Eugenius 392-394 1
Theodosius I the Great 379-395 1
Arcadius 383-408 4
Victor 388 1
zestawy i varia 12
Regnum Barbaricum 1
keyboard_arrow_down keyboard_arrow_up
Byzantium 17
Other 2
Books 12
Coins lots 7
Australia 5
Asia and Middle East 67
South and North America 217
Trieda mincí, medailí a bankoviek

23 - Jarná aukcia '24 na Kráľovskom zámku vo Varšave Ancient coins | Roman Empire | Probus 276-282

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